This week, Fester, Lester, and Chester teach the kids about Simon the Sorcerer.
Children's Lessons with Fester, Episode 5: Peter in Jail
This week, Fester, Lester, and Chester teach the kids about having the right mindset. Also, a surprise visit from Zumba Sensei Mariko!
Children's Lesson With Sergeant Rumplestinger Episode 1
This week, Sergeant Rumplestinger gives the children some spiritual training.
Children's Lessons with Fester Episode 4: Healing a Blind Man
This week, Fester, Lester and, Chester take the kids back in time to show the miracle of Jesus healing a blind man.
Children's Lessons with Fester Episode 3: Jesus Heals the Lepers
This week, Fester, Lester, and Chester teach the kids about the time Jesus healed the lepers.
Children's Lesson: The Jailers Conversion
This week, the kids learn about the jailers conversion in a compelling, 5 act, puppet production.