East Region

Testimony: Crying Out to God - Andrew Elliott 03/02/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott begins a new series called 'Testimony'. Each Sunday this month, a member of the church will share their story. Today, Jill Elliott (Andrew's mother), shares her story of how she came to make Jesus her Lord. Reading from Luke and Joel, Andrew asks: When times are rough, who do you turn to? He reminds how God is like the father in Luke who is forever loving. That we must turn to him in times of trouble, and he will welcome us with open arms.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 03/02/25

Become: Closing the Gap, Pride vs Humility - Mark Kang 02/23/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang wraps up the series called 'Become'. Sharing from the book of John, Mark talks about how we can be self-focused and self-obsessed, causing us to be isolated and critical. When this happens, there is 'gap' between us and others, and between us and God. That only by becoming 'less', being humble, and dealing with the real sin in our lives, can we close this 'gap' and remove the rage and isolation we experience.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 02/23/25

Become: Humility in Suffering - Andrew Elliott 02/16/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott continues the series called 'Become'. Andrew shares from the book of John. He discusses how when we don’t feel well or are suffering, we want to ease the pain as quickly as possible. However, many times we must go through suffering because the secret to the transformation of your character that God desires for you lies in your suffering as well. It is our humility that tells us we must submit to God even when life doesn’t make sense.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 02/16/25

Become: Humility Before God - Mark Kang 02/09/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Become'. Sharing from John chapter 3, Mark reminds us that in order to change we must be humble and step out of our comfort zone and our cultural surroundings. That humility is looking at yourself and giving an honest evaluation where you are with Christ. It is your response to Jesus and not the people around you, that is where Godly change happens.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 02/09/25

Become: Humility in Relationships - Olumide Faulkner 02/02/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Olumide Faulkner begins a new series called 'Become'. Olumide shares from the book of John and looks at the character of Judas that betrayed Jesus. He describes how Judas was given the same gifts as the others, but lacked the humility required to see the sin in his life. Olumide challenges us to guard ourselves from pride, to be humble, and to be open to correction from others.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 02/02/25

Reflect, Rejoice, Renew: Relationships - Tomm Wilson 01/26/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Tomm Wilson wraps up the series called 'Reflect, Rejoice, Renew'. He shares passages from the book of Romans as he talks about God's plan for our relationships, our relationship to Him, and our relationships to others. How we need to be humble and sincere before God, and humble and sincere with others. He challenges us to focus on our relationships as part of our daily walk as a Christian.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 01/26/25

Reflect, Rejoice, Renew: The Practice of celebration - Mark Kang 01/19/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Reflect, Rejoice, Renew'. He shares from the books of Nehemiah, Proverbs, and Hebrews. Mark helps us understand that often those who are the most joyful are familiar with hardship and suffering, but they choose to be giving, serving, and loving to others. He reminds us how fatigue is real in our spiritual walk. To stay refreshed we have to live a life of sacrifice and understanding.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 01/19/25

Reflect, Rejoice, and Renew: Repentance and Renewal - Mark Kang 01/12/25

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Reflect, Rejoice, and Renew'. Mark shares from the books of Mark, 1st Corinthians, and Ephesians. He helps us understand that without repentance and change, there is no renewal. That change requires courage, and how we must 'let go' of the sin in our life that we have been hanging on to. We must no longer follow our sinful instinct, but prayerfully follow Jesus and his teachings.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 01/12/25

The Greatest Gift - Ed Anton 12/15/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Ed Anton and his wife Deb, visiting from the Boston Church, share a lesson called 'The Greatest Gift'. Ed, reading from 1st and 2nd Corinthians, helps us to understand one of the greatest gifts from God: His Grace. We learn how the gift of grace should be thought of as a circular relationship of Gift, Gratitude, and Generosity. How it is not just receiving the gift of grace, but what follows. He challenges us to examine our view of grace and our response to the grace we have been given.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 12/15/24

Please find the resources referenced below.

Click to download Grace Scripture Bank.

Joy to the World: Does Joy Overflow in our Lives? - Andrew Elliott 12/08/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott begins a new series called 'Joy to the World'. Andrew shares from the book of John, how Jesus proclaimed 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full'. He discusses how we can find ourselves distracted by the pursuits of life, and the things we hope will fill our thirsty souls, instead of the fulfillment from Jesus. Andrew asks the question: 'Does the Joy of King Jesus reigning in our lives overflow from us as it should?'

Premiere: 1:00 PM 12/08/24