Welcome to the Detroit Church of Christ Sunday Service! Mark Kang continues in our series "Thrive" and shows us how increasing our capacity to love increases our Capacity to Thrive.
Mark Kang starts our new series "Thrive" and preaches about the characteristics that we need to Thrive spiritually.
This week we have a special guest from the Chicago Church share a thought for Communion for us! Our worship service will begin at 10 AM with a breif childrens worship and lesson. You will also see other framiliar faces to the Detroit Church, and worship videos from our sister churches around the country! Join us!
Hope of Nations
Andrew Elliott // Sunday Jan 17th
Andrew continues on the series on Hope. Today he shares why we need to share hope to the world.
Focus On Hope
Olumide Faulkner // Sunday Jan 10th
Olumide continues on the series on Hope. Today he tells us how we can focus on hope and what that means for our identity.
Why Hope
Mark Kang // Sunday Jan 3rd
Today Mark introduces our new series "Hope". Please join us this month as we go through what hope is and what it does to our hearts.
Staying the Course
Clifton Brent // Dec 27th
Today Clifton wraps up our series "Staying the Course" by encouraging us to dig deep!
Staying the Course: Checking Out
Andrew Elliott // Dec 13th
Today Andrew talks to us about how not to be a Grinch and to check back in.
Staying the Course: Checking Up
Olumide Faulkner // Dec 6th
Today Olumide talks to us about how we can stay on course and help others as well by checking up on each other.
Managing Bad Emotions
Mark Kang // Midweek Dec 2nd
Tonight Mark talks to us about how to manage bad emotions with scriptures and practicals.
Reo Allen // Sunday Nov 29th
Today, guest speakers, Reo and Rachel, share about gratitude.