The Detroit Church of Christ welcomes a very special guest, Rodney Fuller, who used to lead The Detroit Church a couple of decades ago.
Premiere: 11 AM 4/3/2022
Sermons and Messages
“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” -Romans 10:17
The Detroit Church of Christ welcomes a very special guest, Rodney Fuller, who used to lead The Detroit Church a couple of decades ago.
Premiere: 11 AM 4/3/2022
This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang talks to us about taking our lives higher and asks the question, “What does God need to lift you out of?”
Premiere: 11 AM 03/27/22
This week at The Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott shows us why we can be so confident in Jesus that it will inspire us to be better disciples and help others do grow as well.
Premiere: 11 AM 3/20/2022
This week at the Detroit Church of Christ, special guest Ross Sawyer from the Indianapolis Church of Christ delivers an impactful message reminding us that disciples represent God to the world, and that all of us have God’s image on us.
Premiere: 11 AM 3/13/2022
This Sunday at the Detroit Church of Christ, we have an exciting message by guest speaker from the Lawrence Church of Christ in Kansas, Willie O'Quinn! Willie inspires us that we are on the right team. It's not "if" we will win, but by how much we will win! Premiere: 11 AM 2/27/2022
Welcome to The Detroit Church of Christ! This time, Andrew takes us through 1 Corinthians to show us that God's plan is that we would be a team that works together to fulfill God's ultimate vision of his people. To achieve God’s intent, we all need to play our part. It Takes A Team! Premiere: 11 AM, 2/20/2022
The Detroit Church of Christ continues in its series, Team, as Mark Kang reminds us that we need each other. Some things prevent us from being a good team player. Do we let our blessings be what prevents us from following God? Premiere: 11 AM 2/13/2022
This week at the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang kicks off our series, Team. Mark asks "are you just a part of the crowd or are you a disciple of Jesus?"
Premiere: 11AM 2/6/2022
Welcome to The Detroit Church of Christ! One of everyone’s favorite preachers, Olumide Faulkner, teaches us that to appreciate Good News we need the context of the bad news. We were once in the darkness, but now we have an opportunity to be in Gods Kingdom of light!
Premiere: 11 AM, 1/30/2022
Welcome to The Detroit Church of Christ! Ben Weatherston returns for the weekend from our sister church in Grand Rapids Michigan to share with us the Wisdom Journey that brings us to the Good News. Walk with Ben as he takes its from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and finally to Job, where everything makes sense.
Premiere: 11 AM, 1/16/2022