East Region

Stories We Tell Ourselves: Are You Embracing the Community? - Andrew Elliott 08/20/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott continues the series called 'Stories We Tell Ourselves'. Andrew asks if we are acting like David or Saul during times of stress and fear? Are we drawing close to the community God has given us during times of stress and anxiety, or are we withdrawing into ourselves?

Premiere: 10:30 AM 08/20/23

Stories We Tell Ourselves: Reversing the Story of Fear and Anxiety - Mark Kang 08/13/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Stories We Tell Ourselves'. Mark challenges us to let our faith in Jesus change our expectations of what we can do and who we can be. He reminds us that acting by fear and anxiety is a choice we must turn away from.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 08/13/23

Stories We Tell Ourselves: How Well Do You Hear? - Olumide Faulkner 08/06/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Olumide Faulkner continues the series called 'Stories We Tell Ourselves'. Olumide challenges us to not 'cherry pick' only the parts of the Bible we like. He asks the question 'Are you just listening to God's word, or are you striving to learn it and apply it to your life?'.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 08/06/23

Stories We Tell Ourselves: Are You Hating Sin? - Mark Kang 07/30/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang wraps up the series called 'Stories We Tell Ourselves'. He outlines how in our inner dialog we must not accept the sin within us. Mark simplifies it with this thought: "The deeper we fight sin, the deeper is our discipleship of Jesus."

Premiere: 10:30 AM 07/30/23

Stories We Tell Ourselves: Believing Lies - Mark Kang 07/23/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Stories We Tell Ourselves'. Mark explains how once we begin to believe the lies Satan is telling us about our life, we become trapped living these lies. He helps us understand how we must instead, be connected and turn to God and the truth that comes from His Word.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 07/23/23

Spring Cleaning: Arrange Your Life - Mark Kang 05/07/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang begins a new series called 'Spring Cleaning'. He explains how Jesus calls us to arrange our lives so we can effectively live out discipleship. How this is accomplished by dealing with the sin in our lives, staying close to the body of believers, and prayer.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 05/07/23