East Region

Comm-unity: What Builds Community? - Mark Kang 10/22/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Comm-unity'. Mark reminds us that in order to build community we cannot simply focus on our self-needs. How when we focus on Jesus, on pleasing God, and how we can meet other's needs, then God's Word will fill us and direct us with purpose and vision, and guide our sense of community.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 10/22/23

Blueprint: Blueprint for Growth - Mark Kang 09/24/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang wraps up the series called 'Blueprint'. Mark outlines how the Bible sees our time as circular, that life goes through cycles. How we will begin with a fear of God, and obedience. Then we progress to stage of questioning everything. Finally, we progress back to a stage of obedience and appreciation.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 09/24/23

Blueprints: Blueprint for Salvation - Mark Kang 09/10/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Blueprints'. We learn in order for us to understand God's plan of salvation, we must believe the Bible is God's word, the standard. We also must also understand that we will need 'do' something, and we must also be reasonable in listening to God's message on salvation.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 09/10/23

Blueprints: Blueprint to Salvation

These are the notes that will accompany Mark’s sermon for this week:

Blueprint for Salvation

We must have a couple prerequisites: (common ground for definitions)

  1. Believe that the bible (the Word of God) is the standard

    1. John 12:47-48

    2. 1 Corinthians 15:2

    3. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    4. Many people ask about heaven and hell – they don’t believe in the Bible

  2. You have to do something in order to be saved

    1. There must be an objective way to measure.

    2. - Matthew 7:21-23 – “Many will say Lord, Lord” and not be saved

    3. - Romans 3:23 – All sin and fall short

  3. Be reasonable

    1. - 2 Timothy 4:3-4 - People will hear what they want to hear

    2. - 1 Corinthians 4:4 - A clear conscience doesn’t make you innocent

    3. - Ecclesiastes 8:5-6 - There is a proper time and procedure


  1. Must believe in Jesus Christ

    1. That Jesus is the Son of God

    2. That Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead

    3. Acts 4:12

    4. Colossians 1:15

    5. Matthew 1:23

    6. John 3:16

  2. Repent

    1. Matthew 4:17

    2. Acts 2:36

    3. Luke 13:1

    4. Acts 26:20

  3. Baptism is Necessary

    1. 1 Timothy 1:16 - Paul’s conversion was model/example

    2. Acts 22:16 - Paul’s baptism washed his sins away

    3. Acts 2:26-37 - The promise of forgiveness at baptism

    4. Mark 16:16 - Jesus said it


Study the scriptures out for yourself!

Blueprints: Blueprint to Renewal - Andrew Elliott 09/03/23

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott begins a new series called 'Blueprints'. Andrew explores Matthew 6 and describes how the tests and trials of our lives are like being in the wilderness. He helps us to understand that if we are prepared and follow the Holy Spirit during these times, we will experience spiritual renewal.

Premiere: 10:30 AM 09/03/23