East Region

Treasure: The End Goal and What is Important - Mark Kang 12/01/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Treasure'. Mark's lesson focuses on the words of Jesus in Mathew chapter 6, where he says 'Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth'. Mark reminds us that 'What you focus on each day impacts every other aspect of your life'. How a man or woman of God asks 'How can I use what I’ve been given for others?' That we must view our life in the light of eternity, and to pursue the heart of God and a heart of generosity.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 12/01/24

Treasure: First Fruits - Andrew Elliott 11/24/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott continues the series called 'Treasure'. Andrew shares from Genesis 14 how Abram gave the first fruits of what was brought back to those around him, as God gave him victory over his enemies. He reminds us it is part of God's plan that we have a heart of generosity, giving to others our 'first fruits' so we can live life to the full, and not be a slave to material possessions.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 11/24/24

The Lesser Light - Joel Nagel 11/17/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Joel Nagel, visiting from the church in Lansing, shares his message call 'The Lesser Light'. Joel discusses how we go through seasons in our lives where there are challenges and life is not perfect. That it is during these times of 'lesser light' that God works in us and our character is transformed. How during these times of ‘lesser light’, we must be real with others about the struggles we are going through, and let our light shine so others can see the power of God working in us.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 11/17/24

Treasure: The Tyranny of Things - Kyle Eastman 11/10/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Kyle Eastman from the Ann Arbor church begins a new series called 'Treasure'. Kyle reads verses from Luke and 1st Timothy, and shares his insights on how Jesus called us to be generous with what we have been given. He challenges us with this thought, 'If you died today, if all we knew was how much money you made, how much you gave and where you gave it, what would we write about you in your obituary?' Kyle reminds us that the only antidote for greed and materialism is generosity.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 11/10/24

Not of this World - Tomm Wilson 11/03/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Tomm Wilson, visiting from the Grand Rapids Church, shares from the books of John, Timothy, and Colossians. He helps us to understand that as we draw closer to God, we are no longer of this world. How we may battle between spiritual desires and worldly desires. He challenges us to not get entangled in civilian opportunities, but to stay focused on the spiritual priorities that God has put in front of us.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 11/03/24

Citizens: The Character - Mark Kang 10/13/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Citizens'. Mark shares from the book of Philippians and others what it means for our identity to be a citizen of God's Kingdom. As we follow Jesus, we must have a firm understanding that Jesus is Lord, an understanding of repentance, of the requirement of baptism, and that we must stand firm in our faith. In order to be citizens of God's Kingdom we are to be a people of wisdom and people of hope.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 10/13/24

Citizens: What Banner Do I Rally To? - Andrew Elliott 10/06/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott begins a new series called 'Citizens'. Andrew shares from the books of John, Isaiah, and Philippians. He asks the question: 'Do I live as a citizen of the Kingdom of God?' Andrew discusses how some will rally around worldly causes and only consider ways of this world to produce change. He reminds us that we are called to live under the banner of Jesus, that we must run to Jesus in times of trouble, and to continually seek God's will in our lives.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 10/06/24

Armor: Striking at the Root of Evil - Olumide Faulkner 09/29/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Olumide Faulkner wraps up the series called 'Armor'. He shares from the books of Ephesians, Jeremiah, and Daniel. Olumide looks at examples from the Old Testament where God's people did not listen to God or his word, and suffered the consequences. He asks ‘Are you fighting life’s battles using worldly methods, instead of using Godly methods?’ We’re reminded that we must trust God and his word over everything else, and always use the weapon of prayer to fight our battles.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 09/29/24

Armor: Fighting the Demons - Mark Kang 09/15/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Armor'. Mark shares from the books of Psalms and Ephesians, and describes how our hearts can be like a distorted GPS. How we can choose to follow the direction of demons. He challenges us that we must not follow the demons of lust, greed, or division, that cause destruction, but put on the helmet of salvation and carry the sword of the Spirit to battle the evil one.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 09/15/24